Climate Action & SDGs Advocacy
ما فائدته ؟هناك حقيقة مثبتة منذ زمن طويل وهي أن المحتوى المقروء لصفحة ما سيلهي القارئ عن التركيز على الشكل الخارجي للنص أو شكل توضع الفقرات في الصفحة التي يقرأها. ولذلك يتم استخدام طريقة لوريم إيبسوم لأنها تعطي توزيعاَ طبيعياَ -إلى حد ما- للأحرف عوضاً عن استخدام هنا يوجد محتوى نصي، هنا يوجد محتوى نصي فتجعلها تبدو (أي الأحرف) وكأنها نص مقروء. العديد من برامح النشر المكتبي وبرامح تحرير صفحات الويب تستخدم لوريم إيبسوم بشكل إفتراضي كنموذج عن النص، وإذا قمت بإدخال lorem ipsum في أي محرك بحث ستظهر العديد من المواقع الحديثة العهد في نتائج البحث. على مدى السنين ظهرت نسخ جديدة ومختلفة من نص لوريم إيبسوم، أحياناً عن طريق الصدفة، وأحياناً عن عمد كإدخال بعض العبارات الفكاهية إليها.
Hack the Goals
Belgium Development Agency - Enabel The aim of Enabel's "Hack the Goals" Initiative objective was to bring together young Palestinian innovators with different backgrounds during a Development Hackathon to find innovative (digital) solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) challenges related to Enabel's partner countries' portfolios including; Goal 16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions" Goal 10 "Reduced Inequalities", Goal 5 "Gender Equality" and Goal 3 "Good Health and Well-Being"
Youth in Action – SDG Advocacy in Palestine
SAFIR is a regional project supporting youth and the achievements of SDGs in 9 countries across Northern Africa and the Middle East. It supports more than 1,000 young project leaders involved in entrepreneurial projects with social, cultural and environmental impact, the development of a regional network supporting social entrepreneurship, and the creation of spaces for dialogue between youth and governmental authorities.
Enhance Youth Local Councils' Role in Advocating for the SDGs and Increase Awareness to Climate Change & Climate Environmental Resilience
Shiam piloted the "SDGs advocacy and Climate Change awareness" initiative, where 5 Youth Local Councils (YLCs) from Westbank and Gaza were trained on SDGs advocacy adapted to the Palestinian context. The project's participants were youth council members ages 18-24. Shiam worked with the selected youth members on designing and delivering social initiatives at local schools advocating for climate change and climate resiliency to increase awareness and support the cause. The youth members of the council designed the initiatives based on their understanding of the needs of their local communities and its connection to climate change and climate resilience and implemented them at selected local schools in the targeted communities.
Engage Youth Centers in Designing Environmental Initiatives to Sustain their Local Communities
Implemented by Shiam and in partnership with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Family Health International (FHI 360), within the framework of the Civic and Community Participation Project (CPCE) which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), this project's aim is to increase youth participation in civic life and support their efforts for positive social and economic changes.